Ok on Miley's bong incident:
I will be the first to admit that I don't think that it was a very good idea for Miley to do what she did, and that it does set a bad example for her younger fanbase. (*Although I have no idea why her younger fanbase should hear about this or other celebrity gossip to begin with as it is only covered on gossip shows like TMZ and Showbiz Tonight, show that kids shouldn't watch anyway as there are far worse things than Miley smoking a bong and kids should be watching the Disney Channel and Nick and Cartoon Network.)
That being said, she did nothing technically wrong. Salvia is completely legal and she was 18 at the time the video was recorded. It's also a very safe drug whose effects last only about 20 minutes, and she was obviously at a party not going anywhere or endangering anyone else. From the video you can also tell she had never done it before, as the person filming it had to instruct her on what to do and she was asking questions. It's not like she's holed up in her room doing the stuff 24/7. She has never been caught smoking cigarettes, which personally would be far worse as it is potentially very harmful, especially in comparison to salvia. There are 2 or 3 pictures of her with a beer in hand in Spain where it was entirely legal, and from the pictures you could tell she was not going crazy with it. Also, she has been legal to drink and do other things in other countries for several years now, and the Spain pictures from a couple months ago are the only documentation of any use. You KNOW if she had done anything, there would be pictures and there would be big news.
All in all, though I don't agree with her actions, I stand behind her because I am a true fan and can see beyond the hype that the media is giving this that in the big scheme of things, Miley is just fine.
*Note: most of the people I have seen personally and on their blogs who are saying stuff about this are people who I know for a fact have experimented with things themselves and probably did younger than Miley did herself. She is 18 and a senior in high school, and we all know these things start way earlier than that.... so please stop being hypocrites :D
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